Voices Concerns About Process and Absence of Public Scrutiny
Pittsburgh, February 29, 2008….City Councilman Bruce A. Kraus announced today that he will introduce a resolution on Tuesday, March 4, 2008, asking Mayor Luke Ravenstahl to rescind the LED sign zoning approval granted to Lamar Advertising for the Grant Street Transportation Center. The approval was granted without being brought before the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board, or City Council.
The no-bid agreement was the subject of a lengthy special meeting this week during which Council Members questioned Planning Director Noor Ismail, Zoning Administrator Susan Tymoczko, City Solicitor George Specter, URA Director Pat Ford, and Pittsburgh Parking Authority head David Onorato.
“Though Council had the opportunity to engage in an extensive review of the events leading up to the deal with Lamar, there are just too many significant questions that remain unanswered,” said Kraus. “Council needs to understand whether the intent of the law was followed and how the absence of proper process excluded any possibility of public input or scrutiny.”
The Councilman is also asking David Onorato, Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority, to rescind or invalidate the lease agreement. “A lease agreement has the potential to provide significant revenue to the city,” said Kraus. “However, just like the zoning matter, the lease did not receive Board Action.”
Kraus notes that City Council recently joined in signing a pledge with the Mayor and Controller’s Office that is to improve governance in Pittsburgh. “It is critical that we adhere to that pledge,” said Kraus. “Whenever public property and public funds are involved, it is incumbent upon elected officials to assure our citizens that their government is working in their best interest.”
(Will Of Council Below)
WHEREAS, following a recent fact finding meeting held by City Council on the issue of an LED Sign for the new Transportation Center, City Council believes the Zoning Department, in consultation with the Urban Redevelopment Authority, acted in error regarding its interpretation of the language and regulations contained in the Pittsburgh Code; and
WHEREAS, while language is often subject to legal interpretation, it is clear that the authors of the Home Rule Charter and the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances clearly intended to ensure that the right of the people to participate in major decisions, particularly land use matters, was the foundation for the very existence of the Regulations; and
WHEREAS, given the current controversy over the zoning process, and the fact that the Mayor and all Members of City Council recently signed a formal pledge that prioritized “excellence in service, increased access to and confidence in all City services by ensuring equity for all Pittsburghers;” and also committed to “improve the quality of life for future generations by identifying current land use opportunities and challenges facing the City” and “ensure the ethical operation of the offices,” it is only appropriate that the matter of the LED Sign be rescinded at this juncture.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby requests that the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh direct the City Zoning Administrator to take the necessary steps to rescind the current permit issued to Lamar Advertising for approval of an LED Sign on the Transportation Center, and direct that a new application be filed and processed under the guidelines of a Conditional Use Application as outlined in the City Code; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh also requests that the Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority rescind the Lease Agreement between Lamar Advertising and the Pittsburgh Parking Authority.
WHEREAS, while language is often subject to legal interpretation, it is clear that the authors of the Home Rule Charter and the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances clearly intended to ensure that the right of the people to participate in major decisions, particularly land use matters, was the foundation for the very existence of the Regulations; and
WHEREAS, given the current controversy over the zoning process, and the fact that the Mayor and all Members of City Council recently signed a formal pledge that prioritized “excellence in service, increased access to and confidence in all City services by ensuring equity for all Pittsburghers;” and also committed to “improve the quality of life for future generations by identifying current land use opportunities and challenges facing the City” and “ensure the ethical operation of the offices,” it is only appropriate that the matter of the LED Sign be rescinded at this juncture.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby requests that the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh direct the City Zoning Administrator to take the necessary steps to rescind the current permit issued to Lamar Advertising for approval of an LED Sign on the Transportation Center, and direct that a new application be filed and processed under the guidelines of a Conditional Use Application as outlined in the City Code; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh also requests that the Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority rescind the Lease Agreement between Lamar Advertising and the Pittsburgh Parking Authority.